methyLImp2 - Missing value estimation of DNA methylation data
This package allows to estimate missing values in DNA methylation data. methyLImp method is based on linear regression since methylation levels show a high degree of inter-sample correlation. Implementation is parallelised over chromosomes since probes on different chromosomes are usually independent. Mini-batch approach to reduce the runtime in case of large number of samples is available.
Last updated 1 months ago
5.62 score 6 stars 3 scripts 168 downloadsjewel - Graphical Models Estimation from Multiple Sources
Estimates networks of conditional dependencies (Gaussian graphical models) from multiple classes of data (similar but not exactly, i.e. measurements on different equipment, in different locations or for various sub-types). Package also allows to generate simulation data and evaluate the performance. Implementation of the method described in Angelini, De Canditiis and Plaksienko (2022) <doi:10.3390/math10213983>.
Last updated 10 months ago
4.30 score 4 stars 9 scripts 230 downloads